Common Entrance examinations are typically taken in year 8 for entry into an independent school in year 9 at age 13, but there are also Common Entrance exams for entry into years 7 and 8. The papers are marked by the school to which you are applying, but, since the papers are the same for all schools using Common Entrance exams, if need be the same papers can be re-marked by another school. Sometimes schools set their own entry examination papers instead, which isn't strictly Common Entrance.
Scholarships may be given to pupils on the basis of their exam results, either on the Common Entrance examination, which offers similar but harder scholarship papers, or often on the school's own entrance scholarship papers.
Some schools also set pre-tests which provisionally select pupils for the school, provided that the pupil then passes the Common Entrance exams or other entrance tests.
Pupils are usually expected to take exams at least in English and Mathematics. There is a wide range of other subjects which are also examined.
We can provide expert tuition for virtually all examination subjects and have past papers for practice. We can help with all entrance exams and pre-tests for entry into any school year.
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