Friendly, effective private tutoring by Cambridge Scholar and other highly qualified tutors - Ashtead, Cobham, Epsom and Surrey Tutor

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Tutor / Tuition jobs teaching in Surrey. Assistant jobs in Ashtead, Surrey  In addition to the tutors wanted for teaching and tuition jobs in Surrey, we also need tutors for tuition and teaching in Clevedon, North Somerset.

We are always pleased to hear from excellent teachers and tutors in any subjects.

Teachers and Tutors - All subjects and All levels: Primary, Middle school, Secondary and University
Teachers and Tutors are always wanted to join a successful tuition business in Surrey, England.  Teaching jobs are very flexible, ranging from full-time to one or a few hours per week.  Tuition can be as employees or self-employed.  Our rates of pay and benefits are competitive and attractive.
Subjects in particular demand are:
  • English and Literacy, including support for Dyslexia and Dysgraphia, at both primary and secondary levels
  • A-level Chemistry and other Sciences, 
  • Mathematics and Numeracy at all levels including A-level, and support for dyscalculia at KS1-4,
  • Geography,
  • History,
  • Psychology,
  • Business studies and Economics,
  • Eleven plus entrance exams,

Superb subject knowledge and great teaching abiltiy are required and will be tested.  One-to-one tuition provides a great opportunity for the highest standards of best practice in teaching, free from most of the problems about behaviour and discipline found in school teaching. 
Assistant Tutors
In addition to needing highly experienced teachers, we also have vacancies for Assistant Tutors who must have an outstandingly excellent academic record and subject knowledge, but need not have experience of teaching, as they will work with close support, training and supervision by an experienced tutor.  Assistant tutors may be students studying for A-levels or a degree in the subject(s) they are to tutor.
Applicants who have all of the above skills should email their cv to


Other jobs

There are currently vacancies for:


1) Part-time afternoon & evening administrator assistant;  

Two to four days a week.  See below for qualifications*.

2) Part-time weekend administrator assistant

Hours of work will currently be approximately 9:30 a.m. to 12 noon on Saturdays, with the possibility of extended weekend hours at a later date.  See below for qualifications*.

 3) Housekeeping assistant

No formal qualifications are needed for this post.  Hours negotiable.  Applicants should telephone 01372 229186, or use the contact form below or email

* Applicants for either administrator-assistant post must have:

  • English A-level or at least GCSE / O-level A* or A (or equivalent);
  • English literature GCSE / O-level A*, A or B (or equivalent)
  • Mathematics GCSE / O-level A*, A or B (or equivalent)
  • 80 words per minute typing
  • Superb computer skills.  Microsoft Outlook, Excel, Word, and web skills will be used extensively, and clear evidence of current expertise will be required.  Equivalent OpenOffice Math, Calc, Write and Impress expertise would be acceptable instead of Microsoft Excel, Word and Powerpoint.  Distinctions in Level-2 qualifications are expected, but candidates without formal computing qualifications will be considered provided they have sufficient in-depth working knowledge and skill. Skills will be tested, and those without such skills should not waste time in applying.   Powerpoint, Desktop publishing, html, xhtml and web development skills would be an advantage. 
  • Good telephone manner, inter-personal and organisational skills
  • Administrative and business development skills


These posts are in Ashtead, Surrey.


Applicants who have all of the above skills should email their cv to


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* E-mail address (required):

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